Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stop Being Perfect ..& Never be Complete


It's killing people.
When you want to be perfect, you start caring about what everyone thinks of you.
The  more you don't give a damn what other people think of you..
..the more free you will be to do anything you want in life.
The reason you fix shit that doesn't really need fixing is because you want to "complete" yourself.
You don't feel whole.
As if some part of you is missing.
Worrying about what others think of you can make you feel incomplete.

Why do we all have this urge of perfectionism?

I understand in some way..
but why not just relax and enjoy every moment of life as it is?
Accept what it is and you will be free.
You will feel no pain.
No more pain.
All you have to do is accept what it is.
Telling yourself everyday "it is what it is" will truly free you.
You have to start living in the "NOW".
Forget about the past, don't dwell on it.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda - FORGET IT.
Everything that happened ..happened.
You can't go back.

Stop dwelling on your mistakes of the past and focus on the here and now.
Don't think about the future.
It doesn't exist.
You heard Mos..
"Tomorrow may never come, for you or me is not promised"

The past does not exist, the future is just a projection in your mind.
Why would you live in another dimension??
Just for one moment, turn off your mind and stop thinking.
Just don't think of anything.
Enjoy the silence in your head and be in the moment.
That is the key to happiness.

Accept who you are, and you will be free.


  1. When you want to be perfect, you start caring about what everyone thinks of you.
    The more you don't give a damn what other people think of you..
    ..the more free you will be to do anything you want in life.
    The reason you fix shit that doesn't really need fixing is because you want to "complete" yourself.
    You don't feel whole.
    As if some part of you is missing.

    --and the more you ignore what other people think of you, the more admiration you will receive. people subconsciously are jealous of individualism; they secretly wish that they could throw inhibitions to the way side and do whatever they want but the fear of being judged reigns supreme, thus causing them to feel the need to bring everyone else down with them. misery and company and all that jazz..

    be yourself and others will follow suit.
